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Admin: sTwo
I haven't seen you for a long time X(
Sorry, I cannot update this English page, because I am busy. However, newest information is always sent in a Japanese page.
Please check the Japanese page if you are interested in Shirow!!
Today is Shirow Masamune's 45th birthday.
Happy Birthday!
I hope that you release the works "GALGREASE artbooks" and new title on COMIC RYU!
The detail of TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI no NI became in the clarifying!
This is composed of two of "KA-DEN" and "HI-DEN" like the preceding crop (refer to the news on 01/20/2004).
Hi, All. Sorry I'm late! ......
OK, then, I in turn trace the news to have been writing earlier in Japanese.
First, as Shirow was talking with "Magazine S", the sale fixed the sequel of "TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI" on July 22nd.
The title is "リバーシブル・ジャバラ小画集 伽姫草子之弐 小屏風".
In English, "Reversible Accordion mini-Artbook - TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI no NI (2nd.) - small folding screen" !!
- Release Date: July 22, 2006
- Price: 1,600yen (net of tax)
- Publisher: Kodansha
Next, The title of the sequel of the movie "APPLESEED" decided. The title is called "EX MACHINA" !!
(source: Fami-tsu)
In this time, the bioroid "TEREUS" is new comer! He has the face which is similar to BRIAREOS when being a human ...
What story will it be? Just wait until you see it !!
This movie plans to be complete in the spring in 2007.
(c) Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - EX MACHINA film partners
Last, The release day and the screen shot of the game "APPLESEED" which is sold from SEGA were made public !!
(source: SEGA)
(c)SEGA (c)Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - APPLESEED film partners
(c)SEGA (c)Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - APPLESEED film partners
(c)SEGA (c)Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - APPLESEED film partners
(c)SEGA (c)Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - APPLESEED film partners
(c)SEGA (c)Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - APPLESEED film partners
(c)SEGA (c)Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - APPLESEED film partners
Well, tomorrow in Japan (April 28th),
the web magazine "COMIC SEED!" is first published.
Because Shirow draws the illustration of the cover of this magazine, we look forward to it!
This magazine is monthly.
Will he draw the illustration of the cover every month like COMIC GUM?
...Sad to say, It will be only this time.
(c) 2006 Shirow Masamune / Futabasha
Everybody is pretty happy when spring comes around.
A long time has passed since the shocking releasing that John Woo will produce the sequel of "APPLESEED" movie...

(C)2004 Shirow Masamune / Seishinsha - APPLESEED Film Partners
The latest information seems to come out from the booth of Micott & Basara of the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2006 (TAF 2006) which is hosted at TOKYO BIG SIGHT on March 25th and 26th.
This work which was named "POSEIDON Project", will the information about the TV series and on SEGA's game, too, be released?
Hi, GitS guys!
It was scooped by Lucas, Information on "GitS SAC 3rd" which is called "GitS STAND ALONE COMPLEX - Solid State Society" was made public.
This was not the Producttion I.G's site and detailed information was made public in the disclosure at Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- GitS STAND ALONE COMPLEX - Solid State Society
- Run Time: 100 minutes
- Release Date: Summer in 2006 (TV?)
- Summary (in Japanese):
西暦2034年。 難民蜂起事件から2年が経過していた。 新人20名を増強した新生公安9課に新たな事件が舞い込んできた。 梵の刺青を入れた13人のテロリストの連続自殺事件に絡む空港人質立て篭もり事件の鎮圧だ。 結果、公安9課に追い詰められた立て篭もり犯は 「傀儡廻(くぐつまわし)が来る」 と言い残し自ら命を絶ってしまった。 時を同じくして数々の何事件が同時に多発していく・・・その影に潜む超ウィザード級ハッカー 「傀儡廻」 の存在。 新生9課の前に次から次へと立ちはだかる何事件すべてが芸術的にリンクしていく。
「傀儡廻」 とは? バトーと素子は? 「傀儡廻」 と素子の関係は? すべての事件の犯人は? そして結末は? 謎が謎を呼ぶ Solid State Society。
This promotion trailer plans to be released in Tokyo International Anime Fair 2006 (TAF 2006) (March 23-26).
And, in TAF 2006, precedence sale of "GitS STAND ALONE COMPLEX 2nd GIG Visual Book" which is sold on March 27th by HOBBY JAPAN is implemented.
There is a privilege in this, "TACHIKOMA Clear File (TAF 2006 only)"!
The kind is different when ordering this Clear File in the others.
In Amazon, "MOTOKO and KUZE Clear File". and In Animate, "MOTOKO and BATOH and KUZE Clear File".
hmm... how do you let's get these? :)
(c)Shirow Masamune - Production I.G / Kodansha
The article of the interview with Shirow appeared "Magazine S (KIKAN-S)" of the sale today.
This interview is composed of 26 questions about APPLESEED and Ghost in the Shell and so on. It is very interesting contents!
Then, as for his work contents in the future, it is told as follows.
- Producing is begun from this year about the sequel of the movie and the television series of "APPLESEED".
- The action game of "APPLESEED" (SEGA) has been complete already, and waits the release date.
- "TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI 2" plans in the sale from Kodansha.
- Artbooks of "GALGREASE" lie dormant...
- Production I.G may release planning which resembled "GitS S.A.C.".
For the details, buy and check the book! ( sorry :P )
>> buy at Amazon.JP
Hi guys,
"TANK S.W.A.T. 01" will be released on March 24th.
Then, Bonaparte Paper Figure designed by Shirow for this DVD release... "Paper Figure"?? We didn't know what it is.
And so, now, I got a very exciting image!

"TANK S.W.A.T. 01" (C)2005 Shirow Masamune/Seishinsha-DoGA/ROMANoV HiGA
Oh! My! Cool! I want this one! I will buy three DVD, and, I want to compose the 1st squad of DOMINION!! :)
pre-order (Amazon Japan)
Today, KADOKAWA HERALD announced the official information about TANK SWAT!
![[TANK SWAT 01] DVD Package / the original paper craft](./Images/060113.jpg)
Then, the first-time privilege of DVD is the Paper Craft Paper Figure that was designed by Shirow!! As for this, this price is never expensive!
- TANK S.W.A.T. 01
- Release Date: March 24, 2006
- Publisher: Kadokawa Herald Pictures
- Price: 4,200yen (net of tax)
- Catalog No.: NHBS-50004
- Contents: 2 DVD + booklet (16pages) +
paper-craft paper-figure (Bonaparte)
- Special Disc (DVD #2):
'Wired Bob' ROMANoV HiGA works, 'news from the Newport Police Station', 'the world of the Personal CG Anime', bloopers, storyboard
OK, cool! I can't wait!
Ah, GALGREASE Artbooks became a sale next year with Shirow's unavoidable reason......
Very belatedly, Release Date of 'TANK S.W.A.T. 01' decided!!

"TANK S.W.A.T. 01" (C)2005 Shirow Masamune/Seishinsha-DoGA/ROMANoV HiGA
and, new trailer is published!
Come on! We waited awfully! However, our expectations are decided and will not be betrayed!

"TANK S.W.A.T. 01" (C)2005 Shirow Masamune/Seishinsha-DoGA/ROMANoV HiGA
Today is Shirow Masamune's 44th birthday.
Happy Birthday!
I hope that you release the works which are various next year!
CI5 - Criminal Intelligence Five - is the most secret security force in the world. Even most governments are unaware of its existence. Those in the know refer to them only as The Professionals.
For Shirow's fan which doesn't know "THE PROFESSIONALS":
This is the teleplay which was broadcast in the UK from 1978 to 1983.
This had a big influence on Shirow in the fanzine times.
It is in "Ghost in the Shell" that the influence appears, being deep.
We can see the traces about the story and the character.
He is the big dog who unifies the member of CI5.

He has accurate and bold decision and the judgement, and instructs each member directly.
However in severe "snarling old man" to the subordinate, he is the man of heart who defends them until the last, trusting them.
... Oh, are you ARAMAKI?
(C)Shirow Masamune / Kodansha
(C)2005 Mark One Productions Limited All Rights Reserved.

He ran off at 13 years old and wandered underground community all over the world, but returning to the UK, he joined up to the army.
He belonged to SAS for 6 years after that, and was hired away to CI5 by COWLEY.
... Fumm... I Know! You are BATOU!
(C)Shirow Masamune / Kodansha
(C)2005 Mark One Productions Limited All Rights Reserved.

He aimed at the artist painter, but perceived there not to be a genius, and became a detective in Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
In his applying for the transfer to CI5, he attracted COWLEY's attention. ... TOGUSA!
(C)Shirow Masamune / Kodansha
(C)2005 Mark One Productions Limited All Rights Reserved.
As above, the setting of the character resembles well between THE PROFESSIONALS and GitS!
Actually, it is not only this.
The episode of THE PROFESSIONALS seems to have the part which resembled in the second half ( the part where ESWAT plays an active part ) of the story of "APPLESEED".
... I think when buying DVD-BOX about this fact and wanting to compare it with GitS and APPLESEED.
I'm telling you, BODIE! ... Huh?
Hey! You are not BODIE! ... Oh, MAGUS!! You are MAGUS on APPLESEED!?
In why such a place of you? ... oops, uh-, Which is MAGUS?
(C)Shirow Masamune / Kodansha
(C)2005 Mark One Productions Limited All Rights Reserved.
Anyway, in Japan, "THE PROFESSIONALS" DVD-BOX is released on November 11th.
This is that CI5's fan in Japan was waiting eagerly.
As might be expected, Section-9's fan will wait eagerly too! :-)
Hello! English-speaking guys!
Because I acquired my domain, I made this site move.
and, I changed this page usability... How about?
Anyway, I contacted KODANSHA to know the details of GALGREASE Artbooks... conclusion? Delayed! Delayed!! Delayed!!!
.... who knows when... We have no choice but to stand by! We win a pleasant sensation in standing by! :)
Snap out of it.
RF online, in Service Guide page, we can see Shirow's new illustration!

We see this and let's endure it for a while. :)
It's been ages!
I can not get new information on GALGREASE Artbooks.
It was the schedule of the sale in November but seems to be postponed probably.... What a pity!
Moreover, as for the construction kit of TACHIKOMA which is released from WAVE, too, release date became 1 month postponement.

In MMORPG "RF online (CCR/SEGA)" that are now beta testing,
it was announced of (a part of) the special item that Shirow was designing by Tokyo Game Show!
(source: 4Gamer.net)

(c)1999-2005 CCR INC, All Right Reserved. Published by SEGA

(c)1999-2005 CCR INC, All Right Reserved. Published by SEGA
This special item seems presented to participant all the members when participating in the game since then on October 18th when the game is formally started servicing.
Do you, too, attempt to participate?
Oh, Lucas! Sorry to keep you waiting!
The beginning in August, I received the e-mail from Kamata Yutaka who is the producer of TANK SWAT,
I knew that the anime work had finally been completed.
Moreover, I got a DVD from him!!

"TANK S.W.A.T. 01" (C)2005 Shirow Masamune/Seishinsha-DoGA/ROMANoV HiGA
That was not a product version but the simple DVD without lots of extras.
This was the sample DVD that distributed to the movie makers.
I was pleased with the result.
I felt something is wrong about the quality of the motion of CG-actor but didn't worry.
because, the tempo of the story was good
I felt that the time of 30 minutes of being seeing this anime was valuable!
Well, when is this product released?
Sorry, I have no idea...
Nippon Herald Films which is the distributor of this DVD was bought up by Kadokawa HD.
Therefore, release date doesn't decide yet.
In the movie makers, probably, release date becomes around this autumn.
In all who can not wait until then, conceal feelings with this trailer :)

"TANK S.W.A.T. 01" (C)2005 Shirow Masamune/Seishinsha-DoGA/ROMANoV HiGA

"TANK S.W.A.T. 01" (C)2005 Shirow Masamune/Seishinsha-DoGA/ROMANoV HiGA
Recently, we don't hear about the information on GALGREASE Artbook (past news: 09/18/2004).
Therefore, I called Kodansha and confirmed about the thing.
In the grace, I succeeded in getting the latest information!
A lot of new illustrations are added to GALGREASE Artbook.
The Artbook is not merely potpourri of the illustration and is Artbook which has a story, it is called "Streaming Artbook"!
The Artbook is published in order from November, 2005.
Then, it is continued for 3 years!!!!
The schedule is as the following:
- GALGREASE 1st Artbook
... Nov, 2005
- GALGREASE 2nd Artbook
... Jan, 2006
- GALGREASE 3rd Artbook
... Mar, 2006
- GALGREASE 4th Artbook
... Sep, 2006
- GALGREASE 5th Artbook
... Nov, 2006
- GALGREASE 6th Artbook
... Jan, 2007
- GALGREASE 7th Artbook
... Jul, 2007
- GALGREASE 8th Artbook
... Sep, 2007
The detailed information will be released later.
Sleep and wait for good luck.....
"GITS STAND ALONE COMPLEX Visual Book" was released in July of last year, and the sequel plans to be released in August of this year.
Moreover, with the figure of TACHIKOMA!
- GITS STAND ALONE COMPLEX Visual Book Special Edition : Tachikoma File
- Release Date: August 22, 2005
- Publisher: Hobby Japan
- Price: 2,100yen (tax-included)
- ISBN: 4-89425-381-X
Apart from this, the plastic model of TACHIKOMA plans to be released from the WAVE in this summer.
In Japan, the international version of "GHOST in the SHELL" was released before.
However, it was VHS.
This time, the international version of "INNOCENCE" is released in DVD!
At this DVD, it supports three format of the sound "Dolby Digital Stereo", "Dolby Digital EX", and "DTS-ES".
And available subtitles are Japanese, English, French, Taiwanese, Korean.
Then, "Type MOTOKO" is the product of 1,000 sets of limitation.
A figure in the play "GYNOID (MOTOKO version)" is bundled with this. Height is 40 cm. ... It's scary!
Today, the prize screening of the "17th CG ANIMATION CONTEST" which PROJECT TEAM DoGA sponsors was hosted in Osaka.
The preview of "TANK S.W.A.T. 01" was hosted at the same time.
Did you see?

Oh, Official Site became proper gradually.
Now, the story and the cast can be checked! (in Japanese)
Will this news be April Fool's day?
The sequel of movie "APPLESEED" was not Fumihiko Sori and that John Woo did a produce was released by the news.
(News Source: The Mainichi Newspapers)
As for the Director, Aramaki Shinji who is the member of the Shirow Masamune fan :) continuously takes a megaphone.
Its creating jointly at 3 production companies of
MICOTT & BASARA (Production of APPLESEED(2004)),
Lion Rock Production ("PAYCHECK", "Windtalkers"),
Axis Entertainment (a Korean gaming developer).
Then, the movie version and the TV version (26-part TV series) are concurrently manufactured and plan to be made public from the summer in 2006!!
Oh my God, I wish that this is not news in the April fool.
There is Happy New Year! ( Late! )
By the way, we introduce information on the figure area slightly because the schedule of the publishing of GALGREASE artbook isn't readily released and there is not a topic of the news in this place.
The second color of the PVC statue "GALHOUND" of INTRON DEPOT which was sold last year from YAMATO in October appears.
Also, "BALLISTICS", too, appears as the 2nd series of INTRON DEPOT.
- "GALHOUND 2nd Color"
- Publisher: YAMATO / Vice
- Release Date: May 2005
- Height: About 19 cm
- Price: 3,500yen (tax included)
As for another news, the figure of Dominion and Orion to have been telling last month seems to be a sale in May this year in Japan.
- Dominion
- Orion
- Publisher: YAMATO / Vice
- Release Date: May 2005
- Six kinds of regular colors / six kinds of ivory colors ( All 12 kinds )
- The secret adds one kind of Dominion
Whoops, it introduces about two pieces of missed information.
It played by the management of Terranetz from 1997 to 1998 Play Novel "Shin Taima-Senki"
was restored as the 2nd version of TPRG which continue in "Asura Fantasy"!
- Shin Taima-Senki TRPG
- Release Date: 12/24/2004
- 3,980yen (tax included)
- BOOK AB size (257mm×210mm)
- 160 pages
- Publisher: Terranetz
Last time, the book had CD-R and dice as the privilege.
However, this time, will nothing be stuck?
Way, when applying by the online shopping,
characteristic wallpaper is said to be presented but it doesn't understand Shirow's one.
It continues and the release information of the figure of Dominion and Orion is carried on the site of YAMATO USA from last weekend.
Are these to become sale in Japan?
When seeing the lineup of Dominion, F and C1 seem to intermingle.
In any case, molding is rough a short while.
In America, it is the schedule of the sale in June, 2005.
Until now, YAMAMOTOYA which has made shirow's work the solid model,
such as HEADGEAR and DEUNAN's knife, exhibited the picture of "LAND MATE" with renewal of a site.
LAND MATE is "GUGES" which appeared in "APPLESEED" movie correctly.
Since DUMMSUS does not take the side of the back, this is not "GUGES-D".
Since the part is large, is making it a solid difficult that?
However, an overall figure is not smart.....Is it the cause of a pause?
Although the solid model of LAND MATE was made several times in the past, in my individual liking, "SOFT WIRED"
(published by Papermoon) created about ten years ago was the highest quality!
In Japan, DVD rental of "APPLESEED" is started from next week!
DVD of the standard version and the special version is released on November 25.
Although so many goodies are attached to the special version "APPLESEED COLLECTOR'S EDITION",
Shirow's message will appear in "APPLESEED Picture-Book (48 pages)" of them all.
What does he tell?
In Japan, if it reserves in the shop, set of postcard can be got...
When it reserves in Amazon, what does it become?
Sorry to be late... since work was very busy!
"BOOKLET POSTER EXTRA 04 GALHOUND" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.20" published on October 5.
The series of GALGREASE is an end now... That we can do only waits for Artbooks!
As a result of asking Seishinsha, it turns out that "2005 Shirow Masamune Calendar" is not put on the market!
The calendar of Seishinsha which continued from 1998 was ended in 2004...
GALGREASE series is an end truly now.....sign.
The information of Shirow's Artbooks in "Magazine S".
This Artbook's contents are "ORION NRPG" and "TOGI-HIME-ZOHUSHI".
Published by Kodansha.
- BATTALION(temp) -
The contents of this Artbook pack Shirow's work relevant to the animation and the game. same as ID4.
Published by Seishinsha
This collects the illustrations used for the animation and the game relevant to Ghost in the Shell.
Published by Kodansha(?)
and...... as for Artbook of GALGREASE, eight volumes are due to be published! (Publishing date is uncertain.)
oh, my....

"2005 Shirow Masamune Calendar" will be published in 30 Oct.
Although not announced from Seishinsha yet, it can reserve by Amazon Japan.
Seichinsha's Calendar last year was the same design as Togi-hime Zohshi which Kodansha published...
I hope that the same fault does not occur this year!
Yeah! Here come the new challenger!
"GALGREASE 2nd. Series POSTER BOOK" is started!
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 3 ]
[ 4 ]
In addition, three kinds of following postcards are attached this series. It's cool!
Shirow's erotic series, GALGREASE was ended at length...? No! Once again, it is due to appear!
The next EXTRA will appear in UPPERS No.17! It continues still more!!
An insider would know that the details of "GALGREASE 2nd. Series POSTER BOOK" became crystal clear!
First, about the POSTER BOOK are as follows.
- Publish Date: 08/26/2004 (in Japan)
- Price: 700 yen (each)
- Publisher: Kodansha
- Shirow's Original Postcard x 1 (First Limited)
- Booklet Poster x 4
- Illustration Card x 8 (among 72 kinds)
- Postcard which can purchase Original Goods
Please observe Shirow's Original Postcard.
Is this the 2nd edition of the postcard attached to the magazine "UPPERS" in the past?
If I hear that only one kind of postcard is attached among six kinds and it is like the past, it will be too much severe treatment!
Next, the Original Goods which can be purchased only by the postcard included in POSTER BOOK are...
- Multiple Purpose Binder Ver.2
The surfaces is green-black and the back is red. contents are:
- Index Card x 9
- Cards holder sheet for preservation with Shirow's original mark x 18
- Inside paper of the rough sketch style x 3.
(3,000 yen)
- Illustration Cards Special Box
contents are:
- Case containing eight cards x 4 (total 32 cards), Among those, one case is called "Special Case" and is all a special card!
- Special Illusion Card x 1 (among 3 kinds), Card Stand x 1.
(3,000 yen) 4,600 limited sale!
- a Pack of 8x10 Illustration Cards
A card is sold only at itself this time.
(3,980 yen)
Wholly, let's turn completely and do our best!
Anyway, "BOOKLET POSTER EXTRA 02 HELLHOUND" is an appearance schedule at YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.16 (Aug 3)! Let's expect and wait!
The magazine about GITS S.A.C. was published.
The report by which this was extracted from military magazine "ARMS MAGAZINE" is contained.
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 3 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 5 ]
[ 6 ]
- Pulished: 07/15/2004
- Price: 2,000 yen
- Publisher: HOBBY JAPAN
- ISBN: 4-89425-341-0
- desc: A4 size / 132 pages
The photographs of real MOTOKO is also contained in this...!
Release date of "INTRON DEPOT 4 BULLETS" became early for one month, and became late in July in Japan...?
Our anticipation was betrayed and it became early this time!! ...is this true?
The sale day of "GALGREASE 2nd. Series POSTER BOOK" was determined at last!
In Japan, published schedule is August 24, and the price is 700 yen each.
In quest of a Trade Card, let's take a trip of a long voyage again!
TTRPG "ASURA Fantasy" put on the market in 1992 renews and re-appears.
This is the remake version of "ASURA Fantasy" which is the originator of "Asura Fantasy Online" in session in the Internet
and "Asura Fantasy - The romance of Warring States Europe -" held by monthly GAME GATHER from this month.
It is not Shirow's in the whole of the illustration.
But, His illustration of about 20 points is contained.
The illustration of a color is also contained in Privilege CD.
- Asura Fantasy TRPG
- 07/25/2004 (in Japan)
- 4,980 yen (in tax)
- AB size (257mm×210mm)
- 304 pages
- First privilege: CD-ROM,
dices (10 faces x 2, 6 faces x 2)
- Publisher: terranetz
Release date of "INTRON DEPOT 4 BULLETS" was overdue for one month, and became in mid-August in Japan...
It is usual that a schedule is overdue about Shirow......X-P
"Shirow Masamune 2005 Calendar" is on sale at last! ... what?
It seems that TIDE-MARK sells this time although DARK HORSE sold the calendar which SEISHINSHA published until now.
However, this back has the logo mark of DARK HORSE and Studio Proteus.
But, this differs from what SEISHINSHA published.
Although the sale day in Japan is in August, it is already on sale in TFAW.
Amazon(in Japan)
Shirow's erotic illustration appears in "BOOK in BOOK vol.3" of "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS" No.13!
It will become such if Shirow creates a vampire's movie...
Release date of "INTRON DEPOT 4 BULLETS" was overdue for one month, and became in mid-July in Japan...
It is usual that a schedule is overdue about Shirow...X-P
In "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS" No.13 of June 15 sale, Shirow's illustration is an appearance schedule as "UPPERS BOOK in BOOK vol.3"!
The last illustration was this...well, this time is ...
Very erotic!!!
Next BOOKLET POSTER EXTRA will appear in the near future.
The details of "GALGREASE 2nd. SERIES POSTER BOOK" became clear at last!
The price is 700 yen each, It will be a sale schedule in July, this year.
It will become the set of 4 Posters and 8 Trading Cards like 1st. SERIES.
"BOOKLET POSTER Special Version HELLHOUND" is an appearance schedule at YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.11 (May 18)!
Let's expect and wait!
New Shirow's Artbook information!
Release date of Shiro's 4th ArtBook "INTRON DEPOT 4 BULLETS"was determined mostly.
- Release Date: middle of June
- Price: 2,940yen
One year passed from the original schedule. Is it published truly this time?
BOOKLET POSTER 2nd. Series 12th, "GALHOUND2" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.9".
It's the last of 2nd. Series! ToT
Creation of Artbook of GALGREASE is going smoothly. But,
It seems that it shifts release date so that other plans may not be collided with since this is likely to become a powerful erotic book.
It was postponed from the spring release.
The second POSTER BOOK and Trading Cards is under advance steadily! Expect and wait!
Although BOOKLET POSTER finished by this month, Special Version of BOOKLET POSTER is carried soon.
BOOKLET POSTER 2nd. Series 11th, "HELLCAT" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.7".
Next is the last "GALHOUND2", UPPERS No.9 (4/20 sale). It becomes the last of 2nd. Series!
Although artbooks of GALGREASE was due to be published in this spring, it is likely to be behind somehow.
"KCDX APPLESEED #1(01&02)" is released still more on March 23 of next week.
The cover illustration is Shirow's new work!! Check it out! "KCDX APPLESEED #2(03&04?)" is released on April 17.
Next, the theater version film comic, "AnimeKC APPLESEED", the first volume is released on April 17, and the second volume is released on May 7.
The price of each price is 1,400 yen.
Last, the new trailer is exhibited in Sony Music!
It's COOL!!
Sorry that translation is overdue! I do my best so that updating may not be overdue from now on.^_^
Here is the news about movie "APPLESEED".
First, the movie "APPLESEED" determined the release in the whole world!
It is provided from the summer of this year to USA, Europe, and Asia.
Before a release, a part of Movie and Music are exhibited in site of Sony Music!
Next, the title of the book of APPLESEED with which publication is planned from Takarajima-sha was determined.
This book is a GuideBook of the movie, a film story, character introduction, the interview of the staff and the cast, original introduction, etc.
The original figure BRIAREOS and special poster (A3 size) are a set in this book!
Last, the details of "Prologue of APPLESEED / APPLESEED THE TRIGGER" were found.
This is the goods with which DVD and the figure DUNAN / BRIAREOS.
on DVD, Shirow's comment, the interview of the staff, movie trailers, the creation process of 3DCG, character design drawing, postrecording scenery, music introduction, etc. are recorded.
Figures are an Action Figure in which 13 places of the whole body work.
Oops, it is one more to the last.
The headgear of BLACK MAGIC is released from Yamamotoya by the end of this month!
A next work is DUNAN's knife!
Only by updating [BOOKLET POSTER], I forgot renewal of Shirow's NEWS.
BOOKLET POSTER 2nd. Series 10th, "WILD WET QUEST" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.5".
Next is the last "HELLCAT", UPPERS No.7 (3/16 sale). Don't overlook!
Three artbooks of GALGREASE are published continuously from spring to summer of this year.
First, new trailer is exhibited in site of "INNOCENCE" last weekend.
Next, the release schedule of the books relevant to a movie is announced in PressSheet of Movie "APPLESEED".
The lineup is very gorgeous.
Release Date: March 23, 2004
Kodansha / 1,700yen / B5 size
(Desc: Combined Vol.1 and Vol.2 of comic published Seishinsha.)
Release Date: April 2004
Kodansha / A5 size
(Desc: Film Comic)
- "APPLESEED NOVEL (temporary title)" Vol.1 and Vol.2
Release Date: April 2004
MediaFactory / written by Hiroshi Ootori
(Desc: the original story based on the movie version)
- "APPLESEED Complete Guide - Prometheus Montage (temporary title)"
Release Date: April 2004
MediaFactory / 1,800yen
(Desc: the collection of movie material)
- "APPLESEED Complete Book (temporery title)"
Release Date: April 8, 2004
Takarajimasha / A4 size
(Desc: the guidebook of Movie and Comic. Appendix: the original figure BRIAREOS and special poster!)
Oh, these are APPLESEED FEVER!!!
As a supplement, the person correlation diagram of APPLESEED has appeared in the PressSheet.
hmm... although this is Japanese, do you want the information on English?
I have information for you.
The details of "APPLESEED" in the comic sale schedule of Kodansha became clear.
hmm......It seems likely to be not a new comic.
Perhaps, next is the comic Combined Vol.3 and Vol.4.
Oh, in this case, the 26th story "26. CALLED GAME" in "APPLESEED DATABOOK" and
the 27th~30th story "Artemis's Snipe(incomplete)" in "APPLESEED HYPER NOTES", what do these become?
The information of APPLESEED every day!
In "QuickTime - Movie Trailers" in Apple Computer's site,
new trailer of APPLESEED is released.
The following scenes can be seen in this trailer.
- DUNAN wears GUGES for the first time. (Comic #1)
- GAIA is attacked. (Comic #1)
- "ELVIS PLAN" is drawn up. (Comic #2)
- GAIA causes a rebellion. (Comic #2)
- DUNAN drives with HITOMI. (Comic #3)
- ESWAT intervenes in France. (Comic #3)
How many scenes could you find?
Wow! The title of "APPLESEED" is in the comic sale schedule of Kodansha!
- PRICE: 1,785yen (including tax)
- RELEASE DATE: 03/23/2004
...What is this? the advertisement book of a movie? By no means, is this the sequel of "Artemis's Snipe"!?
The sound track of the movie "APPLESEED" released in the spring of this year is sold on March 24.
But it does not become news only by it!
Gorgeous privilege goods are added to the first time limited edition "APPLESEED - Original Soundtrack Complete Version".
- Audio CD x 2 (the same as normal version)
- DVD x 1 (Theatrical Trailer, Sound Clip, Production Report, etc.)
- Booklet (48 full color pages)
- A newly written poster by Shirow (plan)
Is additional DVD the same as "Prologue of APPLESEED / APPLESEED THE TRIGGER with DUNAN ver." or "BRIAREOS ver."?
However, "A newly written poster by Shirow" is important.
Although it is a plan, probably as for APPLESEED which he draws after a long time, this will become the last!? CHECK IT OUT!
> Amazon (in Japanese)
> Sony Music Shop (in Japanese)
> Nippon Export
A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!(It is late!)
Now, I am doing the business bachelor on account of work. then, I have neither a digital camera nor a scanner.
Please pardon low quality images. (because they are the images with the camera of a cellular phone!)
Today (1/20), "TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI KOBAN" on sale!
The contents of a case,
"KA-DEN" and
Illustration Card of 13 sheets and the Calendar Seal in 2004 are stored in the case of CD size, respectively.
Although "HI-DEN" is an erotic illustration, if it is got used to seeing GALGREASE, it will feel nothing :-P
> Nippon Export
BOOKLET POSTER 2nd. Series 9th, "GALHOUND2" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.3".
Next is the last "WILD WET QUEST", UPPERS No.5 (2/17 sale).
Thank you also for this year. I also need your help well next year.
Shirow's digital calendar 2004 is under sale in FRANKEN.
The pattern is only APPLESEED. But, they are unnecessary if you have INTRON DEPOT D?
To the Comic-Animation Festival currently held from before, Shirow's New Year message is carried.
However, his message is the same as what was carried by Foobio.
Sorry that updating is overdue.(^^;
First, the special feature article of "APPLE SEED" is in Foobio Mobile Contents Service.
The comment to Mr. Shirow's work can be read here.
But that is in Japanese, summarizes is...
- INTRON DEPOT 5 YAMATAIKO became a publication schedule from Kodansha!
- The title of INTRON DEPOT 6(7?) is set to "BABEL".
- Art Book which collected DOMINION or the covers of magazine (COMIC GUN etc.) will be published.
The greatest shocking news are that INTRON DEPOT crossed to the hand of Kodansha from Seishinsha....OMG!
Anyway, "GALGREASE postcard" in "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.2".
They are 6 kinds in all. Though it was regrettable, I was not able to receive the card with which Shirow's sign was written.
Next information, The postcard of "TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI"is a sale schedule in mid-January 2004.
Normal version <KA-DEN> and erotic version <HI-DEN> are contained in CD case by 12+1 sheets, the price is 1,000 yen in one set of two cases.
Now, although various art books are announced next year, do your best and get!
BOOKLET POSTER 2nd. Series 8th, "HELLCAT" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.1".
Next is "GALHOUND", UPPERS No.3 (1/20 sale).
Now, creation of art book "GALGREASE" will be favorable towards spring sale next year.
It seems that however, a postcard is attached to UPPERS of next number before the art book.
Although there are six kinds of postcards in all, being attached to the magazine is one kind in it.
The postcard with which Shirow's sign was written may be rarely contained...?
The postcard version of 2 kinds of "TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI" is newly planned.
<KA-DEN> is a normal (?) version, <HI-DEN> is a erotic version. Which do you choose?
Shirow's Christmas illustration was now carried by UPPERS. It is very great Christmas!
The newest information of "TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI" is in "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.24".
However, the contents have not changed with the information on old.
...oh, The postcard of the same pattern as TOGI-HIME ZOHUSHI is given to 150 lucky persons!
Subscribe and get a chance!
and, the information of Christmas plan in last news became clear!
An appendix of BOOK in BOOK form is attached to the next number of UPPERS (No.1).
It seems that however, as for this, not only Shirow but several authors have participated by omnibus.
Sale on December 16 is long in coming!
BOOKLET POSTER 2nd. Series 7th, "WILD WET QUEST" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.23".
Next is "HELLCAT", UPPERS No.1 (12/16 sale).
And, art book "GALGREASE" will be a sale start schedule after spring in next year.
...hmm, the amount of information has seldom changed from last time.
It seems that instead, a Christmas plan appears in UPPERS soon apart from GALGREASE. Check, Check!
Now, this time most shocking news -- All the pages of "TOGI-HIME ZOUSHI" put on the market in December are the same as that of "Japanesque"!!
Oh my.....What happened!?
From when did SEISHINSHA and KODANSHA really become the same company?
The future trend of two companies is worrisome. :P
Anyway, it seems that the open day of Movie "INNOCENCE" was determined on March 6, 2004.
Although written to BBS, it takes up once also here.
"STAND ALONE COMPLEX" Broadcast will be started by the ground wave (Nippon Television) from January, 2004 at last.
SAC will be known more.
Since it is probably seen for free, I did not need to buy DVD.
Furthermore, by the name of "S.A.C.2nd GIG" in the sequel of SAC, broadcast will be started by SkyPerfectTV from January, 2004.
Is this also broadcast by the ground wave someday? (source)
Is broadcast by the ground wave possibly used as advertisement of "INNOCENCE"?
Supposing that is right, can't broadcast by the ground wave of "2nd GIG" be desired?
Sorry that updating is overdue X-P
BOOKLET POSTER 2nd. Series 6th, "GALHOUND2" was carried by "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.21".
Next is "WILD WET QUEST", UPPERS No.23 (11/18 sale).
Although the information of Collected Paintings of GALGREASE series has appeared a little,
sale day and price are still things with undecidedness.
Seemingly, there is a telephone card present plan by the next number of UPPERS.
Check it out!
The quiz which gorgeous goods win has appeared in "YOUNG MAGAZINE UPPERS No.20".
Goods are ...
1. Telephone card (all the members service) complete 24-sheet set (with an of-special-make sheet)
2. Telephone card (Lottery) complete 5-sheet set (with an of-special-make sheet)
3. BOOKLET POSTER immediately after printing (A1 size before separation)
4. A3 size GALHOUND "phantom" poster (before self-imposed control!)
A deadline is 10/20(Mon). Hurry for a convenience store immediately now!
The information of "Shirow Masamune Poster Collection - TOGI-HIME ZOUSHI"...
- 12/5(Fri) sale
- 3,000 yen
- A3 size, 12 pages full-color
- with one original A3 clear file
- in a hard paper package
- with the 2004 calendar seal
hmm... If it reserves now, as a first time production part limited privilege,
- one more sheet A3 size poster
will be attached.
These goods bear a strong resemblance to "ARMS".
I got it!
The related goods "Illustration Card Special Box" and "Multiple Purpose Binder" of
"GALGREASE POSTER BOOK" already put on the market from Kodansha.
It seems that neither a sign card nor a privilege was won though it was regrettable...XP
At first, "Multiple Purpose Binder".
It is such touch when a page is opened.
The pattern of the front and reverse side of all card kinds can be checked.
The inside papers of the rough sketch style is a total of four kinds of Normal and a privilege.
Next is, "Illustration Card Special Box.
Contents are such touch and are the box type cases x6 containing 8 cards.
Since three boxes were purchased simultaneously, the special cell drawing card of a privilege was able to be got three kinds.
Incidentally, if it turns over, it will become like this.